Our school values are embedded into the very core of everything we do. This year we have deepened this commitment with a team of staff dedicated to the character of our students and our school. We have reviewed our co-curricular offering, listening to our students and their feedback to provide the best possible experience. Here at Central we wish to create lifelong memories for our students and broaden their horizons. Our co-curricular timetable has a wide range of activities to offer something for everyone. From sports to chess and STEM club to film club. Even better, if there is something that is missing, let us know and we will always strive to improve our offering.
We encourage each and every student to take part in at least one activity a week and to trial different activities that they wouldn't ordinarily try. Below is the timetable of our activities for your information.
Alongside our co-curricular timetable, we also have a well-established student council who have been integral to the success of many of our events last year and who are already planning for this year. Please keep a watch of our social media and website for opportunities to get involved with the student council.