Special Education Needs

Welcome to the Central Department for Inclusion. We aim to provide all learners, regardless of barriers, with the skills, knowledge and cultural capital to aspire towards the broadest possibilities in life. At Central, we believe that students with special educational needs and disabilities succeed when they have access to the same qualified, expert teachers as everyone else. At Central we look to recognise all and any barriers our students may have and overcome these through expert support, guidance and assistance of external professionals. Our goal is to ensure that all SEND students can access the same broad, rich Central curriculum; leading them to achieve similar academic and adult outcomes.

SEND students are students identified by the Department for Education as those who have:

  • Cognition and learning difficulties
  • Communication and Interaction difficulties
  • Sensory and physical difficulties
  • Social, emotional and mental health difficulties


At Central Academy, our core values give us a clear sense of direction. We are determined to bring out “the best in everyone” through a creative curriculum tailored to generate enthusiasm for learning and an ambition to succeed. Every teacher is a teacher of SEND and will use Quality First Teaching to ensure learners have the best opportunity to access our curriculum. Our high level of varied teaching and learning works to instil respectful learners who have the confidence to work hard and achieve their aspirations.

How we help

The Inclusion Team has a team of experienced staff comprising of High Level Teaching Assistants (HLTAs), Teaching Assistants (TAs), Social, Emotional and Mental Health Specialists (SEMH) and teachers. Staff support students according to their experience and training, including Autism Spectrum, Communication and Interaction and Dyslexia. In our inclusive school, the majority of support is offered within mainstream lessons however there are some booster small group intervention sessions focusing on key skills for those who require more personalised, intensive, support.



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