The transition from primary school to secondary is a lengthy process which aims to make the move as positive and supportive as possible as this can be a nerve wracking time for both students and parents. At Central Academy we have a dedicated pastoral transition team who work with our partner primary schools throughout the year to facilitate a smooth transition for all students from start to finish.
The transition program begins with a member of the Central team visiting each student at their primary school and spending time meeting the students, answering questions and gathering information from class teachers which helps us to plan for the arrival of our new Year 7 students the following September.
In the summer term some students and parents visit the Academy for 1:1 tours and meetings with key staff, all with the aim of ensuring that each child is prepared and ready for the move to Central. These sessions are tailored to individual needs and can involve members of the pastoral team, SEN team and representatives from partner agencies including primary colleagues.
Our academic transition day sees the Year 6 students join us for a day of lessons during which they will be placed in their teaching sets (based on the teacher assessment data from the primary schools). This is the final opportunity for students to spend time in Central before joining us in September and a highlight is having lunch in our canteen as well as being able to see older siblings and friends hard at work during the day. Assembly closes the day as it does each day at Central.
During the evening parents are invited into the Academy and a packed program of events take place. These include sessions on pastoral care; academic processes and extra-curricular activities, as well as the opportunity to meet the catering team to discuss dietary needs and have individual discussions with SEN staff. Students and parents will meet the form tutors, a key member of staff and the first link between home and the Academy. The Principal hosts the evening and is delighted to welcome our new families into Central Academy.
The first few weeks in September hails the end to our transition program with the arrival of the Year 7 students. The vast majority adapt very quickly to the new routines and challenges of being at secondary school. However for those students finding it more difficult we offer varied and practical support until they are ready to move forward on their own. Our early parents’ evening for Year 7 families is in the first half of the Autumn term at which time the transition process can be evaluated and any remaining concerns addressed.
For further information on the transition process or for a personalised tour please contact
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