

At Central Academy, homework is set on a regular basis. Tasks are linked directly with the learning that students are completing in class to ensure that students have opportunity to embed key knowledge and skills. We encourage parents to take an active role in supporting students with their homework completion.

We believe that homework encourages the development of independent learning skills and allows students to take more ownership of their education. Recent studies have shown that homework completion has a significant positive impact on learning. Students who complete homework make 5+ months additional progress in schools compared to their peers who do not work outside of school.

Our homework strategy is introduced to students in Y7 and the assignments follow a spiralled curriculum, in line with that of the wider school.


What is my homework and when is it due?

Science – Due every Monday at 8am.

                All students complete their science homework on Tassomai.

                Students are asked to complete 4 x daily goals or 100% of their weekly goal.

English – Due every Tuesday at 8am

                KS3 students complete their homework on Seneca

                KS4 students complete their homework on Tassomai

Maths – Due every Wednesday at 8am.

                All students complete their homework on Sparx.

                Students should complete the assignment set for them each week. 


I don’t have device;

Studies show that homework linked to digital learning typically have greater impact on student outcomes. Therefore, our homework in our core subjects are set on Tassomai, Seneca and Sparx.

If your child does not have access to a device to complete their homework on, please get in touch with their year team manager so that we can support with this.

KS3 homework timetable


English, Maths, Science



Maths homework will be set using the online platform Sparx (MONDAY)


Science homework will be set using the online platform Tassomai (MONDAY)


English homework will be set using the online platform Seneca (TUESDAY)


Reading homework will be set using the online platform Sparx reader (WEDNESDAY)


History, Geography, Languages

Fortnightly (for a half term)


Geography homework will be set using the online platform Seneca


History homework will be set using the online platform Seneca


Languages homework will be set using the online platform Language Nut

RS, Computer Science, PSHE, Art, Music, Drama, DT

One piece per half term


Drama & Music – homework will be set on Microsoft Teams


Computing - homework will be set using the online platform Seneca


RS - homework will be set using the online platform Seneca

Art & DT – Homework will be set in paper format



English, Maths, Science



Maths homework will be set using the online platform Sparx (MONDAY)


Science homework will be set using the online platform Tassomai (MONDAY)


English homework will be set using the online platform Seneca (TUESDAY)


Reading (Year 10 only) homework will be set using the online platform Sparx reader (WEDNESDAY)


Option subjects

Fortnightly (for a half term)


Geography homework will be set using the online platform Seneca


History homework will be set using the online platform Seneca


Languages homework will be set using the online platform Language Nut


Drama & Music – homework will be set on Microsoft teams


Computing - homework will be set using the online platform Tassomai


RS - homework will be set using the online platform Seneca


Art & DT – Homework will be set in paper format


BTEC subjects – assignments set through Microsoft teams


Use the Microsoft / Office 365 login option and enter your school email address and password to log into these platforms.  See the Help tab on this page for a picture of this.  If you have forgotten your school password, you will need to ask a teacher to request it to be changed on the IT Helpdesk.




If you are having problems with your homework and need some help you have the following support available:

  1. Contact/talk to your teacher – this would be you best option as your class teacher will be able to support you with any subject specific concerns.
  2. Contact your Head of Year – this would be you best option if you are having issues with access and your HOY will be able to support you.
  3. Homework lunch club – this is in 006 every lunch time with a member of staff on duty
  4. Homework club – this runs every evening 3:15 – 4:00 in room 206

If you have any issues with your login information, please contact us at


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