Religious Studies

Religious Studies delivers an important variety of topics that help young people understand the people, communities and world around them. The RS curriculum develops knowledge of the world’s main six religions in the UK with an appreciation that Christianity is the majority faith within the UK. They learn to identify key beliefs and practices of the main religions including Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism & Sikhism and explain their importance. They also explore the concepts of disbelief, Humanism, Atheism, and reflect upon their own beliefs, allowing for spiritual development.  

The RS curriculum is designed to engage, inspire, challenge and encourage students to take an active interest in the world around them to develop their tolerance, understanding and respect of diversity towards other people.  

As they progress through Key Stage 3, students are introduced to philosophical questions & contemporary ethical issues.  They enable students to question, analyse, seek purpose and meaning, consider morality and tolerance of what it means to live in a multi-faith community.   

Through our curriculum, students are encouraged to engage in reasoned debate, construct balanced arguments, hone their evaluative and analytical skills and show a meaningful awareness of beliefs and actions that vary from those of their own.  Students have the opportunity to study RS further at GCSE level in KS4 and in our post-16 Religion, Philosophy & Ethics A’ level with the hope of continuing their studies at university.  

The curriculum will develop students’ knowledge and skills over time. 

In year 7, students are introduced to the study of religion thematically in the first term wit an overview which teaches them what it means to belong to a multi-faith society with a focus on identity and belonging.  They then study Judaism and Christianity in-depth, considering origins of these two main religions, their main beliefs and practices. 

Year 8 begins with a journey through life, comparatively exploring key rituals and practices within the 6 main religions and then moves onto festivals and celebrations.  From September 2022, two new units will be added to the RS curriculum on Islam and Philosophy of Religion.  

Year 9 tackles ultimate questions of life and death, societal problems such as extremism and inequality.  

Assessment will be in the form of end of unit tests and an end of year exam.  

At GCSE the RS curriculum follow the AQA Specification A. Students complete an in-depth study of Christianity and Islam or Buddhism looking at beliefs, teachings and practices.  The second year of the course covers contemporary moral, social and ethical issues from religious and non-religious perspectives.  The course assessment is linear, cumulating in two written exams at the end of year 11. 

At KS3, students will have an understanding of the origins of key Abrahamic faiths Judaism and Christianity and be able to explain key beliefs and practices from these two world faiths.  They will also be able to reflect upon what it means to belong to a multi-faith society and show an awareness of religious and personal identity. 


At KS4, students will develop a deep and broad knowledge of Christianity and Islam or Buddhism, being able to describe, explain and evaluate key beliefs and practices.  

They will be able to construct well-reasoned arguments and attempt challenging philosophical and ethical questions of meaning and significance. An appreciation of the role and impact of religion and religious organisations in the world today, and the impact of religion on the lives of believers in the UK will also develop as they complete the course content. 

Curriculum Map

Parents have the right to withdraw their children from all or part of religious education. 

For any requests to withdraw your child from religious education, please contact the school to arrange a meeting with the Principal / Headteacher in the first instance. 


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