Learning in Sixth Form

Learning in Sixth Form

Studying level 3 courses is academically challenging and demands significant time investment. We encourage our students to treat their time in sixth form as if it is a full time job. Students have curriculum lesson time, supervised study and free periods. All students are expected to use all non-contact time in school to study independently, aiming to match the same amount of lesson time with independent study either in school or at home.  

Tutor Time

All students will be part of a tutor group, led by a sixth form tutor with significant experience in supporting post 16 students. Tutor time is 35 minutes each day 12:15 – 12:50pm. The weekly programme for tutor time is outlined below, although in 2024 we will be introducing an age appropriate reading programme for our Year 12 students that will develop oracy and character, as well as helping students access their taught subject curriculum.  









Post 18 pathways and study skills

Lunch Time Privilege

Follows the whole school assembly calendar aligned to character virtues and school values 

Character tutor time learning and activities to support holistic development in line with school values 

Covers all statutory PSHE and RSE with topics ranging from finance, to healthy living, to careers. Implemented by school PSHE lead, Miss Creegan.  

Using NetSixthForm and UniFrog to develop study skills, plan for post 18 including UCAS, apprenticeships and careers.  

All students making good progress and on track register and then enjoy a 1 hour lunch.  


All Sixth Form students are invited to apply for the positions of Head Student(s), the Sixth Form Character Team and the Student Council. This is a fantastic opportunity for students to develop leadership and other essential skills. Leaders are given significant responsibility within the school, including a voice at SLT meetings and only those with initiative, commitment and creativity need apply!

Character and contribution to our school community

Either through one of the above leadership roles, or by being part of our sixth form, there are lots of opportunities to contribute to the school, local and wider community. Sixth form students help with key school events including character drop down days, spring and summer fairs, school productions and charitable fundraising events. 

Curriculum Enrichment

As well as taking your subjects, Sixth Formers can apply for the Extended Project Qualification. This is a guided learning qualification that is highly regarded by universities. Students complete a 5000 word project on a topic of their own choice.


Get involved

Prefects / Leadership
All Sixth Form students are invited to apply for the positions of Head Student, Head of House and Prefects. This is a fantastic opportunity for students to develop leadership and other essential skills. Leaders are given significant responsibility within the school and only those with initiative, commitment and creativity need apply!

Q&A with Flynn and Paige

Peer Mentoring:
Sixth Form students have the chance to develop and demonstrate so called soft skills, such as empathy and patience through our peer mentoring programme. This enables Sixth Formers to give something back to the school and have a real impact on the lives of our younger students.

Volunteering Opportunities
In-Class Support - As we are a 11 - 18 school, we are very lucky to have a site that enables Sixth Formers to offer in class support to teachers. Furthermore, we also run a reading support scheme, whereby Sixth Formers help develop the reading skills of Year 7 transition students.

Enrichment and Extra-Curricular
Sixth Formers are role models for the rest of the school. Our focus is on developing well - rounded individuals as well as achieving academic results, so we encourage all our students to take part in a range of activities which helps them grow into confident, independent young adults. We have a volunteering programme that allows all our students to develop the skills required to meet their career needs.

Curriculum Enrichment
As well as taking your subjects, Sixth Formers can opt for the Extended Project Qualification. This is a guided learning qualification that is highly regarded by universities. Students complete a 5000 word project on a topic of their own choice.


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