Performance, Assessments & Results

These are published by the Department for Education (DfE) annually to provide you with relevant information on the performance of schools in your local area and England as a whole. 

You can access the latest data here:  Richard Rose Central Academy 16-18 - GOV.UK

The vast majority of our Sixth Form students go on to study in Higher Education. The map below shows you where our 2024 Leavers went and the courses they chose:


Student progress is discussed termly during the Autumn and Spring Term. Written annual reports are then sent home in the Summer Term.  The reports cover academic progress and attitude to learning:

  • A1- Outstanding Students - Students who meet every expectation and are a role model for other students.
  • A2- Good Students - Students who show they want to learn and meet most expectations.
  • A3- Coasting Students – Students who are doing fine but should aim higher and become an outstanding student.
  • C1- Wake Up Call Students – Students who are beginning to neglect their studies. They also exhibit behaviour which prevents their own learning or the learning of others.
  • C2- Targeted Students – Students who require help in valuing their own learning and often disrupt the learning of others. 
  • C3­- At risk Students – Students who are having major difficulties in managing their learning and behaviour. They are stopping others from learning. 

Any issues with progress will be addressed using the Graduated Response system:



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